Half Term Pumpkin Hunt
This half term, from Saturday 24th October to Sunday 1st November, there will be 26 pumpkin posters to spot around North Leigh!
Each pumpkin will have a red, yellow or blue letter.
Download the trail sheet from this page and colour the letters in as you spot them!
Posters can be spotted on Park Road, Windmill Road, Common Road, Woodside, Windmill Heights, Bridewell Close, Perrott Close, Cuckamus Lane, Common Close and Masons Grove.
You are welcome to take part just for fun, but if you would like to return your sheet with a small donation you will be entered into a prize draw for a selection of Halloween goodies, pictured below (you don’t need to have found all the pumpkins to enter!). Please write your name and contact number or email on the back of your sheet. There will be a box at the back gate in the school car park off Windmill Road for the week following half term, 3rd to 6th November. We will draw the prize on Monday 9th November.
Please note that these posters are not an invitation to Trick or Treat at the houses where they are displayed. Any Trick or Treat activity would be completely independent of this trail. We hope this will be a fun alternative activity for half term.
Click here to download the trail sheet

Example pumpkin poster

Halloween goodies to win