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Policies and procedures

All policies listed below have been adopted by the management committee of North Leigh Pre-school. There are signed and dated hard copies of all policies in a file in the Pre-school lobby. 



1. Safeguarding children and child protection

1.1. Use of mobile phones and cameras

1.2 Attendance and absent child

1.3 Anti-bullying

2. Children's rights and entitlement

3. Confidentiality

3.1 Children's records

3.2 Information sharing

3.3. and 3.3.1 Privacy notices

3.4 Provider records

3.5 Transfer of records to school

4. Uncollected child

5. Missing child

6. Supervision of children on outings and visits

7. Maintaining children's safety and security on premises

7.1 Procedure for checking identity of visitors

7.2 Online safety

7.3 Social Media policy

8. Making a complaint

9. Whistleblowing

10. Staff Supervision policy


Equality of opportunity

11 Valuing diversity and promoting equality

11.1 British values

12. Supporting children with special educational needs

13. Supporting positive behaviour

13.1 Physical handling and intervention

14. Equal opportunities in employment statement


Promoting health and hygiene

15. Administering medicines

15.1 First aid

16. No smoking

17. Nappy changing and personal care

17.1. Managing children with allergies or who are sick or infectious

18. Food safety policy


Suitable people

19. Staffing and employment

19.1 Staff personal safety

20. Staff recruitment procedure

21 Student placement

22 Induction of staff, volunteers and managers


Health and Safety

23. Health and safety - general

23.1 risk assessment policy

24. Fire safety and emergency evacuation

24.1 Terrorist threat/attack and lock-down

24.2  Visitor or intruder on the premises

25. Recording and reporting of accidents and incidents

26. Food hygiene

27. Equipment and resources



28. Admissions



Childcare practice

29. The role of the key person

30. Settling in



31 Parental involvement

32. Working in partnership with other professionals and agencies










© 2020 by North Leigh Preschool. Registered charity no. 1194366

  • North Leigh Preschool
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